Adamawa CAN: Bishop Dami hands over to new officials


The Adamawa State Chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) lingering leadership crisis has been laid to rest following the swearing in of new officials weeks ago by the national leadership led by Rev Dr Stephen Baba Panya.

Today the outgone Chairman, Bishop Steven Dami Mamza has officially handed the mantle of leadership to the new acting EXCOS under the Chairmanship of Rev. Gambo W. Bupwatda as the Acting Chairman.

Arch Bishop. Japhet Tonmwaso is the CAN acting Vice Chairman, Rev. Obionyo Emeka Benjamin. Acting. Secretary while Dean. Rev. DR Henrimas M. Othniel and Rev. Father Maurice Kwairanga are respectively the acting Assistant secretary and Acting Treasure.

Dami who handed the documents to the new acting chairman at the CAN secretariat assured his continue support to the growing of the body of Christ not only in Adamawa but the whole Nigeria.

The new chairman while thanking Dami for his visionary leadership provided during his two term in office, he promised to do his best for the unity and progress of the Adamawa CAN

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