Arch Bishop Filibus chastises the government for the mistreatment of its people and urges LCCN clergy to lead with Christ in mind.


The Arch Bishop made the call while addressing clergies and adherants at the Pre-Convention Conference marking the official opening of the 99th National Annual Convention of the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria in Demsa Local Government Area.

Filibus admonished the clergies to be continually reflective on the theme of this year’s Convention and be of good Cheers and encourage their congregations to remain faithful and resilient in the face of hardship and temptations.

He stressed that the theme is chosen at a time Nigeria and indeed the World is experiencing insecurity and constant destruction of lives and property, religious intolerance and persecution.

According to the spiritual leader, the economic crisis resulting to high cost of living, food crisis and hunger, increasing poverty, vulnerability and hopelessness resulting from fuel subsidy removal and other factors have stepped up agitations and social vices among the people.

He therefore implored the government to take concrete steps towards ameliorating the problem while taking proactive measures in dealing with the trend.

While welcoming the pastors in attendance, the Church leader also appreciated God for the grace to reconvene after another round of 12 months and pleaded with attendees to observe a moment of silence in honour and remembrance of the 19 clerics and many other members who lost their lives between last year’s Convention and the beginning of the 2024 convention.
Arch Bishop Filibus who extolled the virtues of LCCN Pastors for their high spiritual antecedents and commended them for organizing the event.
He applauded the security Networks around the convention center and thanked all security outfits both conventional and unconventional for their support and cooperation as well as many volunteers who have in one way or the other contributed to the successful planning of this year’s Convention.
He commended the Government of Adamawa State for its support and commitment to lasting peace and harmonious relationship among the people of the state.
The spiritual leader also prayed for hitch free convention full of blessings with more spiritual rejuvinatio and rebirth

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